At Mitchell Medical PC, we specialize in addiction treatment. In short, we help turn lives around by helping patients get sober and stay sober. Regardless of the addiction – whether it be alcoholism, opioid addiction, benzodiazepine dependence, addiction to stimulants like cocaine or Adderall, or any other substance abuse – we tailor a treatment plan to each individual patient to help them achieve lasting sobriety. Unlike traditional rehab centers, our services consist entirely of outpatient treatment, allowing patients to get clean in the comfort of their own home. Also unlike regular rehabs, we continue treatment beyond initial detox, checking in regularly with patients to help avoid relapse and achieve lasting sobriety.
Our sole focus is helping patients get clean and stay sober. Regardless of the drug or alcohol dependence, we tailor a treatment plan to each patient using proven practices like medically assisted treatment (MAT) and the Sinclair Method..
Drug and alcohol withdrawals can be agonizing and even life-threatening. We guide patients through a safe and effective detox process from the comfort of their own homes.
Long-term sobriety is a lifelong battle. Unlike rehab centers that cut most ties to patients after initial detox, we keep in touch with our patients through regular appointments and check-ins to help patients avoid relapse.
With compassion and medically assisted treatments.